Partners, affiliated partners and advisory board

Project partners
The established project consortium consists of project partners from academia and industry who have the necessary competences to successfully achieve the aims of the project, both in the scientific and practical fields. Collaboration between the individual academic partners and Rail Net Denmark is already well established, whereas the collaboration between the academic partners on rail topics is new. The bigger goal of the present proposal can however, only be reached by combining forces and everybody is highly motivated to get the new collaboration started and to benefit from the broader interconnected network.



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Partner information



DTU Wind Energy, Material Science and Advanced Characterisation           

The research activities of this section deal with the characterisation and modelling of metallic materials, the objective being to perform metallurgical science on a high international level with particular focus on materials and components for wind energy purposes. Such areas include rolling contact fatigue of wind turbine bearings, which is closely related to the rolling contact fatigue seen in train wheel/rail interactions. The section has specialised laboratories for materials science, including a broad range of electron microscopes, x-ray equipment and fatigue testing facilities.

Dorte Juul Jensen

Professor, Dr. Techn., Head of Section


DTU Electrical Engineering, Automation and Control Group          

The research activities of the group focus on fault diagnosis, and fault tolerant control as well as mobile and modular robotics. The group is internationally leading in the area of fault diagnosis and prognosis where novel signal based and model based techniques have been successfully integrated for the creation and development of robust condition monitoring systems. Industrially relevant results have been achieved in several engineering domains, with consequent patenting and licensing of diagnostic tools to national and international companies.

Roberto Galeazzi

Associate Professor


DTU Mechanical Engineering, Section of Solid Mechanics

Main research topics at this section are mechanics of materials, strength and dynamics of structural components and multiphysics systems, machine elements and mechatronics as well as structural and multidisciplinary optimization, which is closely related to the rolling contact fatigue seen in train wheel/rail interactions. The section has specialised workshops and laboratories for dynamic and vibration studies, including a broad range of testing facilities.

Ilmar Santos

Professor, Dr.-Ing. dr.techn. livre-docente


DTU Compute, Statistics and Data Analysis

The research of the section is focused on methodological development and application of statistics and data analysis relevant for solving problems in engineering sciences. Research topics include: industrial design of experiments, statistical process control, computational data analysis and analysis of “Big Data”. The section has a strong collaboration with the railway industry, including projects on the IC4 train breaking system with DSB, and different aspects of track deterioration with Rail Net Denmark.

Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll

Professor, Head of section


Rail Net Denmark

Rail Net Denmark is a public company under the Danish Ministry of Transport which has the responsibility for maintaining, renewing, and developing the railway network. The mission is to ensure that Denmark always has the capacity and reliability to operate trains, so that passengers have an attractive means of rail transport, today and in the future. In this way, it forms the foundation for one of the safest and most environmentally friendly methods of transporting people and freight on land. Rail Net Denmark is currently in the process of developing the railway to cope with future requirements, so that in the future it is possible to double the passenger and freight transport on the railway network.

Pernille Maren Jøndrup


Team Manager, LCC Track, Technical Operations

 Affiliated partner logo

 Affiliated partner



TU Chalmers, Dept. Materials and Manufacturing Technology, CHARMEC

Chalmers Railway Mechanics (CHARMEC) was established in 1995 as a Centre of Excellence in cooperation with the Swedish Transport Administration and various industrial partners. The overall goal of the Centre is to achieve increased quality in railway transportation in addition to lowering the production, maintenance, operational and environmental costs. The interaction of various railway mechanical components is given special consideration. During this project CHARMEC will mainly contribute to the metallurgical investigations.

Johan Ahlström



NTNU, Dept. Civil and Transport Engineering

This is one of the largest departments at NTNU, and transport infrastructure research is one of the focus areas dealing with all aspects of road technology and railway track technology, with laboratory facilities for pavement material testing and large scale track durability testing. The railway group has expertise in numerical modelling and experimental studies of track infrastructure, including development of simulation models for S&Cs, condition monitoring of railway tracks, ballast materials testing and characterisation. During this project NTNU will mainly contribute to the dynamic modelling activities.

Elias Kassa



University of Birmingham, Centre for Railway Research and Education

The Centre provides fundamental scientific research, knowledge transfer and education to the international railway community. The Centre brings together expertise from across the University of Birmingham to meet the challenges of the future, delivers world class research within railways and offers an expanding portfolio of high quality education programmes. During this project University of Birmingham will mainly assist with expertise on fault and failure scenarios for railway networks, and on design of condition monitoring systems for S&Cs.

Clive Roberts



TU Graz, Dept. Railway Engineering and Transport Economy

The department has worked for more than 15 years with track quality behaviour prognosis and life cycle costs (LCCs) analysis of railway assets, especially for track superstructures such as S&Cs. The department is working internationally for different railway infrastructure companies as SBB and JBV, evaluating LCC of existing railway assets, forming a database for setting up LCC based strategies and defining new LCC based track strategies in evaluating the LCC of different options. During this project TU Graz will mainly assist with LCC considerations.                                                                                                                   

Peter Veit

Univ. prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn.

 Advisory Board

Arne Nissen, Trafikverket, SE

Jan Swier, ProRail AM, NL